Giải thi đấu StarCraft 2 "VK Open Tournament" lần thứ 1

Before the eyes can see, they must be incapable of tears. Before the ear can hear, it must have lost its sensitiveness. Before the voice can speak in the presence of the Masters, it must have lost the power to wound.

Season 3 chính thức bắt đầu

The third StarCraft II League season has begun! Bonus pools and standings have been reset, and Season 2 milestones have been awarded. To see your Season 2 results, simply hop in-game and head on over to the Leagues and Ladders section.The launch of Season 3 also brings 10 new maps to the ladder pool. You can learn more about these new maps here. For a full list of ladder pool changes, head on over to the official forums.Don't forget: The hidden skill ratings used for matchmaking and league placement have carried over, so that means if you were already placed in a league prior to the Season 2 lock, you'll only need to play one placement...

Phiên bản 1.3.6

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty phiên bản 1.3.6 đã được cập nhật khá bất ngờ vào ngày 28/7! Việc cập nhật không báo trước này của Blizzard đã gây chút ít phiền toái cho người chơi khi họ bị ngắt kết nối khỏi không rõ lí do. Phiên bản nhỏ này bao gồm một số vá lỗi cho phiên bản trước, cũng như cập nhật cho a tools update Sửa lỗi chung• Fixed an issue where using the Fun or Not system would sometimes cause players to be disconnected from the game. • Fixed an issue with the "Q" key being unusable in Mac's French Grid keyboard layout. Sửa lỗi cho StarCraft II Editor• Fixed an issue that prevents using Value to set Player parameter in...

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