Tổng hợp tin tức GSL tháng 7/2011

After a long and arduous journey, one player proved his worth by defeating all challengers to claim the title of GSL July Champion.
Please join us in congratulating IMNesTea on his GSL July triumph!
This is NesTea’s third GSL title and his most impressive performance thus far. NesTea’s GSL July record is perfect, with a 100% win ratio after not dropping a single game all season, including a stunning 4-0 victory in the Grand Finals. His 19-0 streak this season will undoubtedly go down in the history books.
If you missed the grand finals between IMNesTea and IMLosirA, you can watch them here. If you'd like to watch all of the VODs from this season, you can sign up for the GSL July premium service here: http://www.gomtv.net/2011gslsponsors4/premiumzone/

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